Report List (Finding a Report)
The Report List includes the following features:
Report Groups: In the left panel are the report groups that organize the display of available reports. The system includes folders for Base Groups, which come standard with Maintenance Connection, and Custom Groups that can be defined for your personal use. Selecting a report group opens it, refreshing the contents of the Report List with reports from that group.
If you do not have access to any Custom Groups, the Custom Groups tab does not display.
Search and Filter Controls: At the top of the page are filter and search controls to assist in locating specific reports. Alpha tabs are also available to help in quickly locating a report by name.
List of Reports: The List of Reports on the right side displays all reports that match the filter and search criteria that have been specified. The list provides general information about report layout and type. Double-clicking a report in the list automatically runs that report. Right-clicking a report in the list opens a menu with options to run, setup, copy, share, or delete the report.
Actions: The buttons at the bottom of the page are used to take action on the selected report. These buttons allow you to copy a report, modify the report setup, or run the report.
Default Criteria/Batch check box: Below the report groups are two additional check boxes.
The first check box specifies that the selected report should be run with Default Criteria, meaning that the report should be presented in the Report Preview window without prompting to verify or change the report criteria.
The second check box allows you to specify that you want to run reports in Batch Mode. Selecting this check box adds selection boxes to the Report List so that you can designate which reports should be run together.
Reporter Guide Help button: A Help button is displayed in the upper-right corner of the Report List, providing access to the Reporter Guide.